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Is your Business GenAI Ready?
Blog Q&A | AI Chatbot | Marketing AI Roadmap
May 17, 2024

Renovate or Rebuild? Six Reasons You Might Not Need a New Website

Oftentimes conversations we have with business leaders start with, “I think my website sucks. Do I need a new one?”

Our answer is always, “It depends.”

Obviously, the website continues to be the cornerstone of an organization’s marketing and communications efforts. It’s the first place your prospect goes to validate your business and decide if they want to buy from you. Unfortunately, all too often we neglect the technical and design upkeep of our website to ensure it remains relevant not only for prospects and customers, but also for Google’s search engine spiders. 

Suddenly years can go by without any maintenance, upkeep, or optimization considerations being complete. 

Investment in a new website, however, isn’t always necessary. Understanding the overall performance of the website first and where the opportunities are to increase traffic and conversions of target market website visitors is a must. 

We can help you understand if a website renovation can help you achieve your business goals & objectives.

Here are 6 reasons why you might or might not need a new website.

1. Mobile Friendliness

    Is your website mobile friendly across multiple mobile devices? Can your customers interact fully with your business from Apple or Android? Google’s mobile-first indexing is so important that if your website doesn’t perform optimally on mobile and produce a first-class user experience, Google will not rank your content well.

    2. Optimized Keywords and Content

      Keyword research is still the starting point of great content, a great website, and a great digital strategy to really connect with your audience. Keyword research should be performed regularly and if your business hasn’t had keyword research completed in over two years, it is highly recommended. 

      Keywords are those your prospects are using to find a solution to the problem your organization solves. Keywords are used in content on your website in various strategic places as well as content in advertising, social media, email blasts, and blog posts.

      3. Value Proposition

        Is it 100% clear, within 5 seconds of visiting your website, what the main value proposition is to your target audience? If you have multiple personas, are they represented on the home page? Key messaging is key. 

        4. Customer Journey to Conversion

          What is the intention for your website visitor? If it’s lead generation, is it easy for them to convert? Are you asking too soon in the marketing process, to become a lead. Is more information required before they put up their hand to become a customer. 

          Customer journeys require thoughtfulness. Deliberately leading the prospect through their sales funnel is something that needs to be continually optimized. Do you have a handle on Marketing Engaged Leads (MELs) and Marketing Qualified Leads (MQLs). 

          5. Technical SEO

            What is going on under the hood of your website. If it is broken and not performing well in Google’s eyes, it will not rank as well organically. Google decides if your website is worthy of inviting the human audience. 

            Monthly website maintenance is also extremely important to your business. Think of it as the oil change for your website. Technical SEO is the foundation of your website. If it is broken, nothing else can be properly fixed. 

            6. Optimized Conversion Web Form

              Every aspect of your website can be perfect but if your main conversion webform is challenging to complete or demands too much information, you may be missing out on valuable leads and revenue.

              Oftentimes conversations we have with business leaders start with, “I think my website sucks. Do I need a new one?”

              Our answer is always, “It depends.”

              Obviously, the website continues to be the cornerstone of an organization’s marketing and communications efforts. It’s the first place your prospect goes to validate your business and decide if they want to buy from you. Unfortunately, all too often we neglect the technical and design upkeep of our website to ensure it remains relevant not only for prospects and customers, but also for Google’s search engine spiders. 

              Suddenly years can go by without any maintenance, upkeep, or optimization considerations being complete. 

              Investment in a new website, however, isn’t always necessary. Understanding the overall performance of the website first and where the opportunities are to increase traffic and conversions of target market website visitors is a must. 

              We can help you understand if a website renovation can help you achieve your business goals & objectives.

              Here are 6 reasons why you might or might not need a new website.

              1. Mobile Friendliness

                Is your website mobile friendly across multiple mobile devices? Can your customers interact fully with your business from Apple or Android? Google’s mobile-first indexing is so important that if your website doesn’t perform optimally on mobile and produce a first-class user experience, Google will not rank your content well.

                2. Optimized Keywords and Content

                  Keyword research is still the starting point of great content, a great website, and a great digital strategy to really connect with your audience. Keyword research should be performed regularly and if your business hasn’t had keyword research completed in over two years, it is highly recommended. 

                  Keywords are those your prospects are using to find a solution to the problem your organization solves. Keywords are used in content on your website in various strategic places as well as content in advertising, social media, email blasts, and blog posts.

                  3. Value Proposition

                    Is it 100% clear, within 5 seconds of visiting your website, what the main value proposition is to your target audience? If you have multiple personas, are they represented on the home page? Key messaging is key. 

                    4. Customer Journey to Conversion

                      What is the intention for your website visitor? If it’s lead generation, is it easy for them to convert? Are you asking too soon in the marketing process, to become a lead. Is more information required before they put up their hand to become a customer. 

                      Customer journeys require thoughtfulness. Deliberately leading the prospect through their sales funnel is something that needs to be continually optimized. Do you have a handle on Marketing Engaged Leads (MELs) and Marketing Qualified Leads (MQLs). 

                      5. Technical SEO

                        What is going on under the hood of your website. If it is broken and not performing well in Google’s eyes, it will not rank as well organically. Google decides if your website is worthy of inviting the human audience. 

                        Monthly website maintenance is also extremely important to your business. Think of it as the oil change for your website. Technical SEO is the foundation of your website. If it is broken, nothing else can be properly fixed. 

                        6. Optimized Conversion Web Form

                          Every aspect of your website can be perfect but if your main conversion webform is challenging to complete or demands too much information, you may be missing out on valuable leads and revenue.

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