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Social Media

You’ve heard about digital marketing and maybe you think it’s a lot bigger than your business. Well, in a way that is true, but it’s the one method of marketing that evens the playing field between you and big business. As we like to say "Helping small businesses eat big business lunch" (bear with us on the sandwich metaphor). In fact, digital marketing it is one of several business solutions that can give you a fighting chance and not cost you a lot. You could say that digital marketing is the perfect partner for small and medium business owners on a budget.

But What Exactly Is Digital Marketing?

Marketing is the way in which your product or service is promoted to potential customers. Digital marketing is the same promotional and positioning concept but executed using digital technologies, the main one being the internet. In other words, your message is fed to the places people are online through the programs and platforms they use daily.

How Does It Work?

It’s a multi-layered concept. Sort of like how a number of different condiments make a sandwich taste better, digital marketing uses different strategies (the condiments) to make your product or service more attractive to the consumers seeing the message. It generates traffic to your business online or on the street and works to turn them into loyal, repeat customers.
Here are a few examples that are a great match for entrepreneurs:


Build a Responsive Website

How to crown your social media content as a business. Content will always be king when it comes to engaging an audience. No matter where or what you are posting, you’re taking your audience on a journey. Good stories are what’s shareable, people want to feel something when they see it. This is why storytelling will always be a priority when it comes to marketing your brand effectively and resonating with your audience online. Being that we're in the Age of (too much) Information, a.k.a. the Digital Age, how does a business get their content to stand strong in the social media stampede?